SynergyMMS is a comprehensive, easy-to-use management solution based on 30 years of industry experience. The application operates with most hotel systems. It supports not only communications between staff members, but first of all it helps reduce costs by analizing workload for particular staff members and precise forecasting of human resources necessary for facility operation and maintenance. The implementation of the system does not require significant financial expenses (the entire system operates in the cloud) and takes only up to two days.
In the hospitality industry we are often so busy offering great service to our guests that we tend to forget the value of efficient maintenance. It is no secret that every hotel incurs the costs of compensation for complaints related to unpredictable defects and failures. We will not be able to prevent all complaints, but we can reduce their number by up to 30 per cent. Thanks to SynergyMMS.

Efficient maintenance of a hotel facility requires coordination of activities of many departments.


Reception           Management      Housekeeping    Service/technical department

The limited number of employees can make it difficult to performed scheduled maintenance duties, as a lot of effort is put into "putting out the fires". SynergyMMS offers great tools for staff members to easily job processing, while maintaining transparency and responsibility necessary for proper human resources management.

Key system features include:


This feature lets you check room occupancy and generate a to-do list for each room. Preventive Maintenance Calendar presents future tasks including resources and time necessary to produce an action plan.


Allows tasks to be grouped in personalised lists by users. Thanks to information displayed in real time, each person receives up-to-date information about the status of each problem. Audit logs and records enhance staff responsibility, as each transaction is tracked.


The Data Distribution option allows for automated distribution of key information at a certain time of the day, on a selected day of the week, with regard to required skills, or even based on location within the building.


iOS operating system ensures great functionality allowing mobile staff members to create, edit and complete job tasks and to inspect Preventive Maintenance checklists regardless of their location. 
Multilingual Voice Interface - offers a selection of 7 languages and a simple, convenient interface for users communicating with SynergyMMS from any phone.


With multiple choices and delivery schedules

In an independent comparison of SynergyMMS and 6 other leading CMMS solutions, SynergyMMS was chosen as the best product based on 3 key criteria:

  • Ease of use
  • Components
  • Price

 solves the long-standing problem of mobilizing people to work as a team, and helps overcome both technical and language barriers. If data collection and preventive maintenance is essential, wouldn't you like to use an effective software package helping you improve the quality of your assets and enhance customer satisfaction levels? Contact our office to find out how easy it is to join the hundreds of hotels who said "Yes" to SynergyMMS.